Tuesday 9 December 2014

Getting to know me post.

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Hey there, my name is Rosie, and this is my blog.

I'm a rather tall (5'10") 21 year old Welsh girl still living at home until I go off to university. I'm currently studying Fashion and Clothing in college, and this is the area that I will be studying in university.

My style varies depending on my mood, and of course, the great British weather! I can wear anything from skinnies with band tees, blouses and wiggle skirts to 1950s/rockabilly type skirts or dresses. However, needless to say, I'm never without my winged eyeliner.

Whenever I'm not in college, I can be found either over my boyfriend's (of a year), or on the weekends I work. I work in a popular craft and hobby shop, which is particularly handy since I'm a student in the creative arts.

I would say this photo of my is recent, although it is 2 months old. 
I'm a natural brunette, but for the last good few years my hair has been mainly black, until about 10 months ago, when I got bored and need to add colour. Hence the pink! However, the first colour I added was blue. And now it's in the process of becoming red, if the red decides to take and stop becoming pink! 

Thanks for visiting my blog,
and until next time!

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