Tuesday 6 January 2015

Space Girl

Today was a good post day, my Collectif parcel finally arrived, and I couldn't wait to try my Dolores tops on!
As a previous post mentioned, I was worried if they were going to fit or not, as I ordered them in size 10.
But I didn't need to worry, this top did not disappoint! 
Although there is no stretch in it, and you have to pull it on, there's a side zip and once you zip that up, it fits like a glove!
It's just so perfect, I want it all colours and patterns, and to never own another style top again, haha!

As you can see above, I paired my red Dolores top with my Cora skirt by Voodoo Skirt, which you've heard me banging on about. (Wearing a size Small)
I will definitely be a repeat outfit offender with this outfit, I have so much love for it!
((I apologise for the poor photo, my camera is 14megapixel, but I think my energy bulb isn't helping.))

Anyway, here's a close up of Dolores, and I also added my Bow&Crossbones planet brooch which you can't really see in the outfit photo, dammit.

And if you've been thinking about getting the Dolores top, I say go for it! It's so dreamy <3

Hope you had a wonderful new year
