Tuesday 6 January 2015

Space Girl

Today was a good post day, my Collectif parcel finally arrived, and I couldn't wait to try my Dolores tops on!
As a previous post mentioned, I was worried if they were going to fit or not, as I ordered them in size 10.
But I didn't need to worry, this top did not disappoint! 
Although there is no stretch in it, and you have to pull it on, there's a side zip and once you zip that up, it fits like a glove!
It's just so perfect, I want it all colours and patterns, and to never own another style top again, haha!

As you can see above, I paired my red Dolores top with my Cora skirt by Voodoo Skirt, which you've heard me banging on about. (Wearing a size Small)
I will definitely be a repeat outfit offender with this outfit, I have so much love for it!
((I apologise for the poor photo, my camera is 14megapixel, but I think my energy bulb isn't helping.))

Anyway, here's a close up of Dolores, and I also added my Bow&Crossbones planet brooch which you can't really see in the outfit photo, dammit.

And if you've been thinking about getting the Dolores top, I say go for it! It's so dreamy <3

Hope you had a wonderful new year


Monday 29 December 2014

Embroidered Flamingo

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
This little post is about one of my favourite presents I received, which was from my boyfriend. 
I had been swooning after this bag for a few months, however, I never ended up buying it. And luckily, my boyfriend remembered how much I had wanted it, because when he had asked me what I wanted, I never thought to even mention the bag. 
So when I opened it, I was surprised to say the least, but instantly fell in love with it.

It's by Banned, and retails about £34.99. It's a good size handbag, has plenty of compartments - two zip pockets, and two simple pockets (one is mobile sized). 
Apologises for lack of photo, the black lining made it impossible.

Anway, the embroidery is beautiful, and the detail even continues onto the back of the bag, as seen below.

The bag also comes with a removable shoulder strap, which clips on at each side of the bag. The strap's length can be adjusted too.

If you are going to be purchasing this, please note, the handles have small screws holding them, like a label will say, they do require tightening every so often.
I, stupidly, didn't read the label, so as I go to use the bag for first time, I was upset when the handle came out straight away, but after searching for the label, I realised the bag wasn't faulty at all, and the handle was really easy to fix.
After fixing the problem, I am now overly cautious and keep a small screwdriver in the bag.

Overall, I couldn't be happier with the bag, and I'm super grateful.

I did receive the Cora skirt from Voodoo Vixen (space girl skirt) from my boyfriend also, and had ordered myself two Banned cardigans, one that matches this bag, but I'll post about these soon!


What goodies did you get for Christmas?

Monday 22 December 2014



So a couple of posts ago I mentioned that I know I'm getting money for Christmas, and found some dreamy Voodoo Vixen skirts that I want to get. 

Then I realised, I'm always buying garments with prints, then can never find anything to wear with them, then when Collectif posted that they had a 50% off code, obviously I had to check if there was a way I could make the most of this offer. And instantly I fell in love with their Dolores tops, they're so simple, yet they completely have that vintage look, and being half price with their discount code, I just had to order all 3 in the basic colours. 

A small problem I have, before I even receive my tops, is whether they are going to fit, I only own one Collectif item, which is a dress, and their website states the dress is cut on the loose size, anyway, I've ordered my tops in a size 10, and just hope they fit, so providing they fit, I'm looking forward to receiving them, as they will totally help when I'm rushing in the morning and can't find anything to wear, as probably most women do! Hah

My next post will about about my Christmas goodies, yay! :3
Have a great Christmas all!


Do you own any Dolores tops? How did you find the fit? 
I'd love to hear!

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Christmas PinUp

This year, I was feeling on the verge of 'Bah Humbug', but this has definitely helped my holiday spirit!

I'm sure quite a few of you have already seen this bedding around. 
I had been eyeing it up for a while now, although, what was putting me off was how repetitive the pattern is, and that I already have plenty of bedding. 

However, it is currently half price in ASDA, so if you want it, get into your ASDA now, or click and collect online! (Which is what I did) Because I'm sure they are going fast, and they already are low on stock!

My last purchase of ASDA bedding had let me down, it too was a printed fabric, but the problem was that it was far too synthetic and became humid quickly whilst trying to get comfy which made it difficult for me to actually nod off, therefore I was quite sceptical about buying this, but I must say I am impressed! It is a cotton blend fabric, but it feels totally different to the previous bedding, this one is just so soft and fresh feeling, the fabric is a bit on the thin/transparent side, but it doesn't get humid, which is the main thing. Oh, and that the pinups are super cute!

So what're you waiting for? Go grab this beauty!


Will you be getting this bedding, or do you have this bedding? What do you think of it?

Friday 12 December 2014

Voodoo Weakness!

As we all know it's only 12 days until Christmas, and knowing I'll be getting some money this Christmas, I thought I'd do some browsing online, whilst on my lunch break at work, to see what I can spend the money on, and lo and behold, Voodoo Vixen know how to design a good skirt!
Virgie Ruth                                                                                                                                  Cora
Dream Team

Luella                                                                                                                                     Amelia
Aren't these skirts to die for? 
So far, I already own the amazing red skirt with the magic 8 balls on, I bought it at the end of Summer, ready to start back to college. However, I had never seen these other designs until now!
The next one on my list is definitely the black skirt with space girls all over, if I can convince the boyfriend to order it for me for Christmas that is (hehe).

Although, ideally I'd love them all, especially since the green skirt has the cutesy kitty cats all over, and the checked wool skirt would be perfect at this cold time of year.
That being said, the best thing about skirts is you can tailor them to the weather (providing it's not super windy), by adding a strappy Summer top, or a sleeved turtle neck with thick tights. Which, by the time I get round to buying them, Winter will probably be over.


What're you planning on spending your Christmas money on?

Thursday 11 December 2014


So today I thought I'd share with you some great purchases I got earlier in the week from a shop called TIGER. This shop is fairly new in my city, and if you don't have one, or haven't been in one, its basically like Ikea but for smaller home items.

The things I bought are, the tall bottle at the back with the black stopper, the black perfume bottle with the squeezey pump, the round bowl with the lid and the heart shaped bowl/ring holder at the front left of the photo. The other glass items I have in this photo, are genuine vintage and have been given/bought for me over the past few years.

These are gorgeous items! They have that vintage look with the decoration in the glass, and are good quality with the glass being thick.
As you can see I'm already using the bowl, which is now for storing my bracelets, and the ring holder, well, for obviously holding rings, but I'm yet to attempt to pour perfume into the black bottle.
And I must say, considering these glass items from TIGER came to under £10 in total, I'd say they are a must for a dressing table. Or on a bookshelf in my case.


What was your first impression of TIGER?
And what goodies did you find whilst exploring in there?

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Getting to know me post.

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/13289807/?claim=qa6p7nwapy5">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


Hey there, my name is Rosie, and this is my blog.

I'm a rather tall (5'10") 21 year old Welsh girl still living at home until I go off to university. I'm currently studying Fashion and Clothing in college, and this is the area that I will be studying in university.

My style varies depending on my mood, and of course, the great British weather! I can wear anything from skinnies with band tees, blouses and wiggle skirts to 1950s/rockabilly type skirts or dresses. However, needless to say, I'm never without my winged eyeliner.

Whenever I'm not in college, I can be found either over my boyfriend's (of a year), or on the weekends I work. I work in a popular craft and hobby shop, which is particularly handy since I'm a student in the creative arts.

I would say this photo of my is recent, although it is 2 months old. 
I'm a natural brunette, but for the last good few years my hair has been mainly black, until about 10 months ago, when I got bored and need to add colour. Hence the pink! However, the first colour I added was blue. And now it's in the process of becoming red, if the red decides to take and stop becoming pink! 

Thanks for visiting my blog,
and until next time!