Monday 22 December 2014



So a couple of posts ago I mentioned that I know I'm getting money for Christmas, and found some dreamy Voodoo Vixen skirts that I want to get. 

Then I realised, I'm always buying garments with prints, then can never find anything to wear with them, then when Collectif posted that they had a 50% off code, obviously I had to check if there was a way I could make the most of this offer. And instantly I fell in love with their Dolores tops, they're so simple, yet they completely have that vintage look, and being half price with their discount code, I just had to order all 3 in the basic colours. 

A small problem I have, before I even receive my tops, is whether they are going to fit, I only own one Collectif item, which is a dress, and their website states the dress is cut on the loose size, anyway, I've ordered my tops in a size 10, and just hope they fit, so providing they fit, I'm looking forward to receiving them, as they will totally help when I'm rushing in the morning and can't find anything to wear, as probably most women do! Hah

My next post will about about my Christmas goodies, yay! :3
Have a great Christmas all!


Do you own any Dolores tops? How did you find the fit? 
I'd love to hear!

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